Saturday 21 January 2012

More chairs

We looked at chairs for the main hall back in March 2011, but now that we've almost got the keys to the building it's time we ordered some! So, we've been looking at a whole range of chairs to see what would fit the space, be the most comfortable and come within budget.

These are the ones that didn't make it through the selection process, for a variety of reasons.

The more we think about what we do want, and how to use environmentally responsible materials that allow the maximum density of people, the more long wooden benches sound like a good idea. And if we added backs to them.......


  1. I keep trying to comment on here, but it keeps disappearing! I think this is my fourth attempt! Aren't wooden benches also known as pews! oooo....ouch! I know we're not supposed to be comfortable but maybe we should consider our visitors!

  2. Boo to pews!! I like the green ones!
